NECTA History Form Four Questions Revision



1. Discuss the effects of the World wars on the countries of East African countries (NECTA-2000)

2. How did the Great Depression affect East African and what were solutions to the problem? (NECTA-2001)

3. Explain the main causes of the First World War (NECTA-2004)

4. Analyse four causes and four effects of the Second World War on Africa (NECTA-2012)

5. Analyse six causes of the Second World War (NECTA-2013)

6. What measures did the colonial government take to eliminate the problems of the Second World War in East Africa? Give five points. (MBEYA MOCK-2013)

7. Explain six impacts of First World War on Africa (TAHOSA-WZ, 2015)

8. Appraise six (6) effects of WWI to Africa (MBEYA MOCK-2015)

9. “The second World war of 1939 to 1945 was a watershed in a history of African nationalism.” Verify the statement by giving eight arguments. (MOCK-TAMONGOSCO HZ, 2016 )


The First World War did not come as thunderstorm but from clear environment. Discuss.

How did the great depression affect Africa and what were the solutions to the problem?

What was the impact of great depression of 1929-1933 on the colonial economies of Africa?

Explain the reasons that led the east African nations to participate in both world wars.

Explain causes and effects of First World War.

How did the First World War led to the Second World War?

Discuss the impacts of world wars in Africa.

To what extent the world wars were imperialist wars and explain their effects on east Africa.

Explain the reasons that made east African colonies to participate in world war II

Discuss the origin and impacts of economic slump of 1929-1933 on Africa.

What were the causes for the outbreak of second world war

Asses the impacts of the second world war



1. How has the membership in the Non-aligned movement helped independent African countries? (NECTA-2000)

2. Identify the external and internal forces which made Namibia to be the last country to eradicate colonialism in Africa. (NECTA-2000)

3. The independence of Tanganyika in 1961 was inevitable development given the nature of the colonial state and the global situation that existed after 1945. How far is this true? (substantiate) (NECTA-2002)

4. Show extent to which the people of Zanzibar has benefited from the 1964 Zanzibar revolution  (NECTA-2002)

5. Explain the methods that were employed by the black society in South Africa in the struggle for their liberation (NECTA-2004)

6. Why did the Portuguese colonies in Africa engage in armed struggle to liberate themselves? (NECTA-2005)

7. Show the contribution made by independent churches and early welfare association towards the development of modern nationalism in Africa (NECTA-2006)

8.Explain the roles of welfare associations, Religious movements and cooperative societies in the struggle for independence in East Africa (NECTA-2007)

9. Discuss the roles played by the nationalistic parties in the struggle for independence in Africa (NECTA-2008)

10. Analyse the problem which faced Uganda during the nationalistic struggles (NECTA-2008)

11. Examine the factors for nationalism in Africa after the second World war (NECTA-2009)

12. Elaborate six ways in which the Zanzibar revolution brought positive changes in the living conditions for the people of Isles (NECTA-2011)

13. “The independence of Ghana of 1957 strengthened the struggle for independence of other African states” Justify by giving six relevant points. (NECTA-2011)

14. With concrete examples from various parts of Africa, assess eight factors that determined the forms of decolonization in Africa (NECTA-2012)

15. Examine six factors which enabled Tanganyika to attain independence earlier than Kenya (NECTA-2014)

16. Why Mozambique attained her independence through armed struggle? (Give six points) (NECTA-2016)

16. Examine six problems encountered by the Africans during mass nationalism in Africa (NECTA-2016)

17. The independence of Tanganyika was inevitable development due to internal situations which existed by 1961. Discuss by six points. (MBEYA MOCK-2013)

18. Show the contribution made by independent churches and welfare associations towards the development of modern nationalism in Africa. Give six points to support your answer. (TAHOSA WZ, 2015)

19. The independence of Tanganyika in 1961 was an inevitable development given the nature of the colonial state and the global situation that existed after 1945. How far is this true? Substantiate by giving eight points. (MBEYA PRE-NECTA-2016)

20. “FRELIMO, PALGC, MPLA and UNITA were political parties formed for attaining independence in the former Portuguese colonies in Africa.” Explain why the government engaged in guerilla warfare (Six points only). (MBEYA MOCK-2015)

21. Explain five roles of the welfare Association and religious movements in the struggle for independence in East Africa.



1. The East African head of state are trying all efforts necessary to re-establish the East African community since 1966. Explain (NECTA-2000)

2. Show the economic and political roots of Central African Federation and highlight  the main oppositions which retarded the federation (NECTA-2000)

3. Despite its role in the International Community, the organisation of African Unity (OAU) had several weaknesses. Explain (NECTA-2001)

4. How has the international community involved itself in maintaining peace in East and Central Africa region since 1960? (NECTA-2002)

5. Outline the similarities and differences between the aims and functioning of the Commonwealth Nations and those of the French Community. (NECTA2003)

6. With relevant examples show the challenges most likely to face the new East African Community (NECTA-2003)

7. Discuss the roles played the Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU) in the decolonization of Africa. (NECTA-2005)

8. Asses the achievement of the organisation of African unity (OAU) in the light of its original objectives (NECTA-2006)

9. Identify and explain the source of the Middle East crisis and show the position of the OAU on the conflict. (NECTA-2006)

10. Discuss the benefits gained by the members of the Commonwealth. (NECTA-2007)

11. Why was the dream of United Africa not been achieved? (NECTA-2007)

12. “Political changes which have been taking place in African states since the second half of the 1980s are a result of inevitable internal and external circumstances”. Discuss (NECTA-2009)

13. Explain the objectives of the newly re-established East African Community and how Tanzania is likely to benefit from it. (NECTA-2009)

14. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations Organisation in African major issues. (NECTA-2010)

15. Examine eight challenges of Non-Aligned Organisation. (NECTA-2011)

16. “The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has some political, social and economic gain in Tanzania” Discuss the statement by giving six points (NECTA-2013)

17. Explain the reasons for the failure of the former East African Community. (Six points) (MBEYA PRE-NECTA-2016)

Isihaka Yunus is a multifaceted digital professional with extensive expertise in content writing, SEO, and web development. With a career spanning over a decade, Isihaka has built a reputation for delivering compelling content, optimizing web presence, and crafting dynamic websites that enhance user engagement. Beyond professional work, Isihaka is dedicated to sharing knowledge through blogging and speaking engagements on topics related to Education, and Materials for Students. In their spare time, Isihaka enjoys exploring new technologies, reading, and contributing to digital marketing forums.